New Jersey Temporary Extreme Risk Protective Order Lawyers

TERPO Attorneys in Clark, NJ Experienced in Temporary Restraining Orders in Essex County, Hudson County, Middlesex County, Union County, and Throughout NJ

When a temporary extreme risk protection order (TERPO) is filed against you, your ability to legally possess firearms in New Jersey is on the line. You need the guidance of experienced New Jersey temporary extreme risk protective order lawyers to ensure you are in full compliance with the terms of the temporary court order and help you fight a final order restricting gun ownership. 

Team Law’s seasoned TERPO attorneys in Clark, NJ, are prepared to represent your interests, but you need to act quickly. If you believe the temporary extreme risk protective order was unfairly or unreasonably filed against you, contact us today for a free initial phone consultation to discuss your rights and options. 

Temporary Extreme Risk Protective Orders in New Jersey 

A TERPO is one kind of extreme risk protective order NJ courts can impose. 

Statute N.J.S.A. 2C:58-20 to 2C:58-32 of state law, known as the Extreme Risk Protective Order Act of 2018, establishes a process by which certain individuals can petition to have one’s firearms removed and their ability to possess or purchase firearms restricted. The person who seeks to file the order is called the petitioner, and the person against whom an order is sought is called the respondent. 

Extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs) that can be imposed under New Jersey law include both the temporary extreme risk protective order (TERPO) and the final extreme risk protective order (FERPO). A TERPO goes into effect immediately once granted, requiring the immediate surrender of all firearms and ammunition to law enforcement. 

NJ’s ERPO Act is what’s known as a “red flag law,” under which petitioners who believe an individual represents a danger to themselves or others can petition to have their firearms seized. The law has been widely used since it went into effect on September 1, 2019. During the first two years after the law went into effect, state courts throughout New Jersey issued more than 300 extreme risk protective orders, the Office of the Attorney General reported. 

What Extreme Risk Protective Orders Mean

If an extreme risk protective order is issued against you, either on a temporary or final basis, you will be prohibited under state law from: 

If you currently own or possess guns, you will be required to immediately surrender them to law enforcement once a temporary extreme risk protective order has been issued. 

When you are served notice of a temporary extreme risk protective order issued against you, you also receive notice of the scheduled court hearing at which a judge will decide whether to issue a final extreme risk protective order against you. Having a team of New Jersey temporary extreme risk protective order lawyers preparing your case and representing you in this hearing can help you pursue a favorable outcome. 

How Team Law Can Help With Temporary Extreme Risk Protective Orders

If you’re facing the restrictions of an ERPO, the New Jersey temporary extreme risk protective order lawyers at Team Law are here to help. The petitioner or the prosecution must support their claims that by retaining your ability to legally possess firearms, you may be endangering yourself or others. With thorough case preparation and a robust argument for why the court order is not needed or warranted, we can help you make your case to the judge and improve the likelihood of an outcome in your favor. 

What Must Be Established to Have an Extreme Risk Protective Order Granted

In their petition, the individual seeking to have a TERPO filed against you must provide, in the form of a sworn affidavit, the facts that support their assertion that your possession of firearms represents a danger and the number, types, and locations of any firearms known to be in your possession. 

The court will consider the facts contained in the affidavit and factors such as: 

Even if a judge has granted a temporary extreme risk protective order based on their review of these factors and the petitioner’s affidavit, a robust defense at the final hearing can show that granting a final extreme risk protective order against you would be unwarranted, unreasonable, and unfair. Our TERPO attorneys in Clark, NJ, can help you present a strong case as to why you don’t pose a threat of bodily injury to yourself or others that would warrant issuing the FERPO. 

Our Approach to Extreme Risk Protective Order Hearings 

You don’t have the opportunity to tell your side of the story before a temporary extreme risk protective order is issued in New Jersey, but you do get your day in court before a final extreme risk protective order may be issued. During the final hearing, you can testify before the judge, cross-examine the petitioner’s witnesses, present your own witnesses, and provide any documents or other evidence that supports your argument that the FERPO should not be granted. 

You can and should seek professional legal advice when facing an extreme risk protective order hearing. This hearing is a formal legal proceeding before a judge, the outcome of which can restrict your ability to possess a gun under New Jersey law for years and potentially for the rest of your life. 

An extreme risk protective order attorney at Team Law can help you gather evidence, prepare for the hearing, and present your case to the judge. We approach each restraining order case the same way we approach matters involving formal criminal charges, including: 

The restoration of your rights matters. We’re ready to fight for you. 

Why Choose Team Law? 

At Team Law, we have a longstanding reputation for providing strong defense services and advocating tirelessly for our clients. Our experience and commitment to providing preliminary advice during a free initial consultation are just a couple of the reasons we stand out. 

Extensive Criminal Defense Experience 

Team Law has been known throughout New Jersey for excellence in legal practice for more than 60 years. We defend the accused against all types of criminal charges, so we have the skills to develop strong defense strategies backed by evidence. This experience is particularly valuable if you may also be facing criminal charges arising out of the allegations the petitioner made against you.

Free Initial Telephone Consultation 

If you’re not sure whether New Jersey temporary extreme risk protective order lawyers will be able to help you or whether hiring a lawyer is worth it for your case, we invite you to take advantage of a free initial phone consultation. This is an opportunity to get your questions answered and find out whether and how an attorney could help in your unique situation. You have nothing to lose by exploring your options. 

Contact New Jersey Temporary Extreme Risk Protective Order Lawyers at Team Law Today for a Free Initial Consultation

Don’t underestimate the impact a temporary extreme risk protective order can have on your future. You could lose your ability to possess firearms in the state. Depending on the outcome of the final hearing, these restrictions may be long-lasting. 

For help from skilled TERPO attorneys in Clark, NJ, contact Team Law online or call us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Temporary Extreme Risk Protective Orders in New Jersey

What is the extreme risk law in New Jersey?

The Extreme Risk Protective Order Act of 2018, established under statute N.J.S.A. 2C:58-20 to 2C:58-32 of New Jersey law, is a type of red flag law that allows certain parties to petition for the removal of a respondent’s firearms and ammunition. A temporary extreme risk protective order may be issued without the respondent getting a chance to present their case and must be complied with immediately. During a court hearing, both sides get to present their case to a judge, who decides whether to issue a final order that restricts the respondent’s ability to legally possess guns in New Jersey indefinitely. 

Who can file a temporary extreme risk protective order?

In New Jersey, two categories of people can file an extreme risk protective order against you: members of your household or family and law enforcement officers. 
Household and family members may include the following: 

Married spouses 
Partners in a civil union
Domestic partners
Former spouses or civil union partners
Dating partners
Former dating partners 
Persons who have a child together 

Any other person who currently is or formerly has been a member of the household
Generally, any person who could constitute a victim of domestic violence pertaining to the respondent and who, under the state’s Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, can seek a temporary restraining order may also be a petitioner seeking a TERPO. 

How long does an extreme risk protective order last? 

In New Jersey, a temporary extreme risk protective order lasts until the hearing at which a judge will determine whether to issue a final extreme risk protective order. This hearing is generally scheduled within 10 days of the filing of the petition, which means respondents have little time to process and comply with the temporary order, retain knowledgeable New Jersey temporary extreme risk protective order lawyers, and prepare their case. 
If the court issues a final extreme risk protective order, the FERPO remains in effect until the respondent goes through the process of petitioning for termination of the order and presents their case to the court in a hearing. In other words, you could be restricted from ever purchasing or possessing firearms in the state again unless you take legal action. 

Do you have to surrender your firearms if a TERPO is issued against you? 

Yes, if the judge issues a temporary extreme risk protective order against you in New Jersey, you are required to immediately surrender all firearms and ammunition in your possession or under your control to law enforcement, even though you have not yet had a chance to present your case to the judge. If you don’t surrender your firearms, you may face further legal trouble for refusing to comply with the order. The court may issue a search warrant to facilitate the removal of your guns. 

Can you regain your ability to possess firearms in New Jersey after an extreme risk protective order has been filed against you? 

Although an extreme risk protective order can restrict your ability to legally possess a firearm in NJ, it may be possible to have these rights restored. 
When you are first served notice of a temporary extreme risk protective order filed against you, your next move should be to consult knowledgeable TERPO attorneys in Clark, NJ. A strong case developed and presented by experienced criminal defense attorneys may be able to help you avoid having a final extreme risk protective order issued against you in the first place. In this instance, once the hearing is held and the judge determines not to grant the FERPO, you can begin having your firearms restored to you. 
If a final extreme risk protective order is already in place against you, it may not be too late to take action. State law establishes a process by which you can petition for the termination of the order. Prosecutors, law enforcement, and the original petitioner may all have an opportunity to object to the restoration of your firearms, so it’s important to undertake this process with the assistance of skilled attorneys who can gather the facts that support your viewpoint and present a compelling case for terminating the court order. 

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