How do insurance companies determine fault?
December 16, 2022
In New Jersey, car accident claims must go through the no-fault insurance system set up by state law. Under the no-fault system, an injured car accident victim must first turn to their car insurance policy to seek personal injury protection coverage for their accident-related medical treatment. However, if an accident victim suffers expenses and losses that exceed their PIP coverage, they may be entitled to pursue a legal claim against an at-fault driver or party. But how do insurance companies determine fault in car crashes in New Jersey? Keep reading to find out. Personal Injury Protection in…
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Tips for surviving the holidays while getting divorced
November 30, 2022
If this is your first holiday season during or following your divorce, you may find yourself experiencing significant emotional difficulty now that you no longer have the ability to share holiday traditions with your ex or potentially your children. Here are some tips to keep in mind that can help you get through the holidays if you are getting divorced or finalized your divorce earlier this year. Start New Traditions Because you are no longer sharing the holidays with your ex, it is important to begin new holiday traditions. Regardless of whether or not you have children, you may…
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10 tips for safe driving during holiday travel
November 29, 2022
Many people choose to travel by car for the holiday season, whether driving to visit family and friends in another city, or going on vacation. While driving means avoiding the crowds and stress of airports, driving during the holidays presents its own unique risks. You should exercise extra care when driving during the holiday season, especially with extra motorists on the road. Unfortunately, you’re likely to encounter stressed, angry, distracted, fatigued, or intoxicated drivers during your holiday travel. Here is what you need to know about driving safely during holiday travel. Tips for Safe Driving During the Holidays…
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Watch out for these 4 autumn slip & fall hazards
October 30, 2022
The changing of the seasons into autumn means beautiful changing leaves and fun holidays, as well as new hazards that can lead to slip or trip and fall accidents. Here are four hazards to watch out for during the autumn season. Inadequate Lighting Outside Autumn involves shortening days and the end of daylight saving time, which means you are likely to find yourself out walking in the early morning or early evening before the sun has come up or after it has set. If you are walking in areas with inadequate lighting, you may not be able to see…
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How truck accident claims work
October 16, 2022
If you have been in an accident with a commercial truck or 18-wheeler, you may be entitled to pursue a compensation claim to recover money for expenses and losses you incur due to personal injury and property damage. Here is what you need to know about pursuing a truck accident claim in New Jersey. Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer First, you should retain a truck accident lawyer as early as possible in the process. Truck accident attorneys typically offer free initial consultations, so you can find one that you feel comfortable working with without incurring a consultation fee. When…
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Who is responsible if you get injured at back to school night?
September 14, 2022
September means the beginning of a new school year. One of the major events that schools hold during the first few weeks of the school year is “Back to School” night, which is an opportunity for the parents and guardians of the school’s students to meet their children’s teachers and learn about activities and programs that the school is offering. Many Back to School nights also include student plays and musical performances for the visiting parents. If you attend a Back to School night at your child’s school, what are your legal rights if you are injured while on school…
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Common workplace injuries teachers face
September 7, 2022
Although it’s not a profession that involves significant manual labor, teaching still comes with its fair share of risks of workplace injuries. If you are a teacher, you need to know about the specific hazards you may face on the job and what rights you may have to obtain financial compensation and benefits to recover from your injuries. Common Occupational Hazards for Teachers Some of the biggest occupational injury hazards that teachers can face include: Repetitive stress injuries, which can be caused by spending hours writing on chalkboards, typing on the computer, or grading…
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Factors in determining child custody and visitation
August 17, 2022
When separated or divorced parents cannot agree on a custody arrangement and parenting time schedule, they can turn to the court to issue a custody order. When determining custody for a family, the court’s sole concern is to find a custody arrangement that is in the child’s best interest. Courts Default to Shared Parental Responsibility Today, state laws and court rules recognize the importance of children having a meaningful relationship with both of their parents when such a relationship is healthy and beneficial to the child’s development. Thus, courts often prefer custody arrangements and parenting time schedules where parents have…
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If you work in any of these industries, watch out for accidents and injuries
August 6, 2022
While any worker can be injured on the job, certain industries put their workers at higher risk of an accident. Workplace accidents tend to more frequently occur in industries that have a high degree of manual labor. Whether a worker needs a couple of days to heal to get back to work or needs weeks or months of medical treatment and rehabilitation, the Workers’ Compensation system in New Jersey is designed to provide workers with the benefits they need for their recovery. The Most Dangerous Industries and Their Common Accidents Some of the…
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Camp lejeune justice act of 2022 will allow victims of water contamination to file a claim
July 26, 2022
On March 3, 2022, H.R. 3967, the Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 passed the United States House of Representatives. On June 16, 2022 the United States Senate passed an amended version of the bill. The bill has been sent back to the House of Representatives due to a procedural delay, but is expected to be voted on again during the Summer of 2022. Once the revised bill passes it will be sent to President Joseph Biden to be signed into law. President Biden is expected to sign the bill once it does arrive at his desk, as on…
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