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New jersey workers’ compensation court to remain open

Injured employees living in Warren, Somerset and Hunterdon Counties celebrated a significant victory last month as the State has decided to keep the Workers’ Comp court serving those counties open. Originally this court, which is one of 15 currently operating in New Jersey, was slated to close due to budgetary concerns; however after widespread opposition from the New Jersey Advisory Council on Health and Safety (an organization of attorneys who represent injured workers in NJ Workers’ Comp courts) and the New Jersey State Bar Association, the State backed off plans to close down the court. Protests stemmed from the inconvenience that claimants would suffer from having to travel to courts in neighboring counties to have their cases heard.
Had the state been successful in closing the court, the move would have put even more stress on courts in New Brunswick and Mt. Arlington which currently have about 9,000 and 5,000 open cases, respectively. This would have created even more of a delay for residents seeking much needed compensation.
If you live in New Jersey and are currently filing for Workers’ Compensation, chances are you know how stressful and overwhelming this process can be. You need a qualified attorney to help guide you through the process and make sure you’re being treated fairly, whether it’s by the reluctant employer, the insurance company or by the bloated court system.
It’s very easy for your Workers’ Compensation case to fall through the cracks in a state with tens of thousands of open claims. In the meantime, how are you supposed to provide for your family or pay your medical expenses? The most important thing to remember is that you have rights. It’s times like this that you need a committed advocate to go to bat for you and make sure you get the help you need and the justice you deserve.
The attorneys at Team Law are well-versed in Workers’ Compensation law and can help you navigate the court system for an expedient and favorable outcome. Call us today so we can discuss your claim and get you the medical treatment and replacement pay you are entitled to receive.

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